This brutal winter has actually created a buying opportunity at the wholesale auctions. Multiple storms have dealers in the Northeast pinched for room for new inventory as well as deadening retail sales energy. These dealers are not showing up at the auctions in search of new inventory when they are having trouble selling and delivering what they already have in stock. This has not only had a stabilizing influence on prices at a time when prices traditionally rise but we are finding that there has actually been a lowering of prices. The lease companies and manufacturers still need to move inventory at auction and the buyers have retreated for the time being. We have been able to take advantage of this market aberration for some fortunate clients so if you are getting ready for something different you might want to give us a shout soon. However, we fully expect rising spring prices to return as the snow melts and folks recharge their buying desires. Hopefully we will have a few more weeks of these abnormally lower prices. Ganley Auto Advisors continues to evolve. We will be opening another office in Boulder Colorado later this spring that will be led by my son Will Ganley who has spent the last five years developing his skills as a technician at a Subaru dealership. Will has been hanging around auctions since he was a kid and has worked with me throughout the years. He will bring his expertise and calm energy to […]